
plastic container for sauce

Tired of cleaning up sauce ALL OVER your fridge? Opening your fridge to find that yummy sauce you got a bottle of everywhere but where it's supposed to go. Want your favorite sauce to get fresh and tasty for months? This is where our fabulous sauce container comes in handy. The body is plastic and that Good for a couple of reasons… one it means the sauce will stay in its sweet little boat Put an end to all leaks and sloppy spills! Source container — ketchup, mayo, BBQ source or even more like a fast & furious kind of guy (our sauce is all that too) It will also give your sauce closet some great order where you can just grab a bottle when called upon!

Mess-free dispensing with our convenient sauce container.

And trying to pour sauce from a bottle and nothing comes out? Thats so annoying when that happens! Dont worry – we made our pouring spout on the sauce container one of a kind so it pours clean and easy! You no longer have to continuously shake the bottle or else slam it on your desk! Just squeeze the bottle and your sauce goes where it needs to! It comes in handy when it gets to your salad greens, or if you want a nice & creamy filling (no lumps) for that sandwich. The Container is also transparent so you can see the amount of sauce in there. It'll never let you forget to refill!

Why choose Intlpack plastic container for sauce?

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