
Clear pla cup

There was a time when plastic cups were just regular everyday red solo drinking cups. Those were convenient, but not very planet-friendly. Now, we have something way better and eco-friendly — transparent PLA cups. The cups are an excellent pick for trying to help the environment, as well providing great cup of drink back on your favorite hand. 

The benefits of using clear PLA cups

The clear PLA cups referred to here are special types of cup, which is made from a material name as PLA. PLA refers to polylactic acid. This plastic is a bit unconventional, as it derives from plants such as corn and sugarcane; And thus being an environmentally friendly alternative. Intlpack tazza tal-plastik are made out of plant-based materials that make it to be much healthier for the planet, while at no harm done on animals and plants like regular plastic ones do. 

Why choose Intlpack Clear pla cup?

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